Break Old Habits
Stop:   Smoking
            Not sleeping
            Stressing out


Clients have the opportunity to express life's disappointments in a safe and confidential environment. With compassion and understanding, clients will be able to explore inner beliefs and find solutions to enhance life. Each session is unique to each individual. Various modalities such as: Hypnotherapy, EMDR, NLP, Visualization and other mind altering consciousness will be implemented based on which will serve best for each client.


Are you being controlled by the nasty habit of smoking,? Do your clothes and breath smell of tobacco?  Is nicotine taking over your life?  Have you tried to stop smoking before without long term results? A private smoking cessation session(s) will address the pro and cons and  identify your triggers.  Together we can design a stop smoking program that will lead you to taking back your control and live smoke FREE.  Be the master of your life!


Reiki is a Japanese ancient Buddhist practice of manual healing therapy. REI  means Universal Spirit and KI means Vital Life Force or Energy.   A Reiki session unlocks blockages of this energy in the Chakras, the energy centers, allowing the energy flow of balance in  body, mind, heart and soul.   


also known as TAPPING, clients will be guided to re-frame their thoughts and apply light tapping pressure on a series of meridian points. A release of neurochemicals will pleasingly flow allowing clarity of mind and relaxation of the body.  A mind altering awareness occurs and enables an individual a new approach in finding solutions to their struggles and problems


Sit in stillness and hear the inner voice. 
Benefits:  decreases anxiety,  improves concentration and creativity, enhances the immune system and promotes a healthy well being.  Learn and experience Mindfullness and Peace of Mind


Do you experience sleepless nights? Do you wake up tired? Do you  accept insomnia as unchangeable? We all need sleep and rest in order for the body and mind to repair, heal and renew. Learn to prepare for sleep with night time rituals. In a session, clients will experience a restful state of body and mind. Your body and mind will feel light which will open the space to sleep. 


Are you curious or ever wonder about a life you may have lived before?  Do you ever experience Deju Vu? Are life experiences causing confusion and are you unable to make a change for the better? Whether a journey to the past is real or imagined, all will be able to apply a message to present time.  A private session will give you the time space reality to discover all possibilities.


I am Roseann Petropoulos
Integrative Hypnotherapist and Reiki Master/Teacher
I promise to provide a safe and confidential atmosphere allowing all to feel comfortable during each session. I encourage and support all to express their needs and concerns.  In doing so, we will choose the varies modalities of energy work according to your needs and to achieve your goals.

My belief is "All Peace Comes from Within".  I will apply my knowledge and intuitive abilities and together we will navigate to reach what it is you desire.